Friday, January 6, 2012

[Project:ThreeSixFive] Day [VI].

These Roman numerals are going to get looong.
Had a great morning studying the Bible and having a fantastic breakfast with my wifey. We're really blessed to be able to spend so much time together. I know it's not going to last a long time - we're going to both have jobs at the same time one day! But for now, I'm cherishing it.

I'm also having a really great time getting back into drawing so much. I have always sat in front of the TV and doodled, so it's nice to be doing that so much again now.

And I love this camera! I'm blessed!

This morning, I saw a squirrel on a branch just outside the door. I say I saw it; our dog Tony just stood there pointing at the tree for ages. The squirrel was dead still, so I got a few good shots of it. I figured it was just resting, but then I looked around a bit and saw this guy not even 10 feet away from the squirrel. Now I hate to say it, but my biology knowledge has waned and I can't even say whether the squirrel should have felt a threat by this bird or not. It was a raptor, no doubt, but whether it takes prey from the air or ground is something I'll have to re-learn.

Threw some colour onto the drawing I did a couple of days ago. Pretty happy with it. I try and put some depth and movement into my doodles with the pen as I draw, so when I colour things, I only tend to do so with blocks of colour.
I also try and use a matching palette, but when it's me I'm colouring, I use whatever colours I'm wearing. Which don't really match. Because I'm a man.

For those who don't think colouring in is the same as drawing, here's a thing. I'm trying to make a pixel version of me. This is the start of it.

This was a butterfly that my wifey and I walked past the other day when we took the dogs out. It was great to be able to stand far enough away to take a picture of it without making it fly away. I love the 300mm lens.

Our dog, Captain Happy. He fits into my pocket, so I thought it'd be nice to carry him round in it from time to time. Only if he's good, though. And only if he's pooped and peed outside first. Don't want that in my pocket, thanks.

We bathed him for the first time yesterday, too. He's actually quite skinny, but his fur doesn't show it. Ha.

I figured I'm not restricted to only one photo a day. It's nice to share.


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