Friday, April 6, 2012

[Project:ThreeSixFive] Day [XCVI - XCVII]. Part 1.

We got home really late last night and I couldn't find my card reader. No worries - here's yesterday's post:

There's not really much to say about the number 96. It seems quite boring.

For yesterday:

This guy was by the side of the pool so I thought I'd try and get a nice, close shot. It proceeded to run under the water. As one would expect...

Part of a mural I'm working on. I'll post the whole thing once I've given it to the friend I'm drawing it for.

But out the macro extension again. Love it. I thought it'd be nice to put this leaf between the lens and the sun and get a photo of it. It was nice.

And ants. Of course! They're so amazing. The Bible talks about then quite a lot. They're incredible to watch - whether they're following their pheromone trails back and forth, milking aphids (like they're doing here), building and rebuilding their nests. Great stuff!

And I thought I'd share another artist that I'm a fan of in this post. More realistic renders of some great cartoon characters. This is Slash - the fifth turtle in the TMNTs. I really like his style.

Check out his work here:

Lovely stuff.

I'm off to do some more on the mural and I'm going to try and do other things today, too. I'll post what I've done later.


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