Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Hallowe'en and Trick or Treat and all that fun stuff. I've eaten my weight in junk food and seen many a costume. Some good, some bad.

So after four (that I can recall) non-payments/"It's going to be a bit later than I thought" 'payments', I've decided that I need to implement some sort of pay-me-before-I-make-things-for-you rule. Over the past year, a number of people have bought dolls from me and that's great. Most of them have either bought them outright from shows or ordered them and then paid for them once I've made them all.

But then there are a few who may not see what I do as a profession. Or may not think of it as something that can be a profession. I get paid for making things and I love that. I can call it my job (even though it's still more of a hobby that makes money than it is a job at the moment).
In fact, my wifey put a quote up on my wall at my drawing desk that says "Find something you love to do and you'll never have to work a day in your life". That's true. I love what I do and to get paid for it is something that seems too good to be true. I make dolls and I draw. For money. (Although not at the moment - I'm not allowed to legally work in the States. But I am allowed to live here legally. Nice one, America. Put us up the creek much?)

I digress.

If you have someone build an extension to your house, but end up not using it, you still pay them. If you leave your car at the garage for people to fix but tell them you can't pay yet, they won't fix it. If you ask me to make something for you, why are either of these things different? You pay me to make it - you don't pay me for you to have it.

If I ordered a coffee (hypothetically - coffee is horrible) and then upon being presented with the beverage, told whoever made it that I no longer wanted it, that wouldn't go down too well.
Not because the barista didn't get paid for his time, but because there's a product that will now go to waste, while the time a resources used to make it could have been spent more productively on someone else. Someone with the intention of drinking it.

This isn't a rant at anyone in particular; it's a rant at everyone who does this. You are the individual straws that have crushed this camel.

On a lighter note, thanks to all who have supported what I do. I truly thank you. You make my day brighter, my food tastier and my poop more satisfying.

I'm going to go fishing with my wifey.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Things are done.

I posted off my rabbit drawing and I've sewn together a doll order. I've also done a few other designs for other projects.

All I have to do now is meet up with the people I'm drawing for, stuff and sew the rest of this doll and then post it.

It seems that most things technological around me cease to work well after a while. So no pictures of anything recent.

Instead of a big drawing or anything this time, here's a picture of my wifey's uncertaintea.


Monday, October 3, 2011

I think I found my vice.

I just found the section on the LEGO website that sells individual bricks.

Now I've wanted to find this for a while and it's probably good that I only found it now. I've been wanting to build a few little vehicles, yet don't want to spend a whole lot on big sets in order to get the few pieces that I need.

Who am I kidding - I'd LOVE to buy big sets just to get a few little pieces. But money does not allow that. Yet.

So I spent just as much getting a buttload of individual pieces. Pieces that include a LEGO version of myself. For now, anyway. When cooler pieces become available, I'll update my LEGO self. It feels as if I'm shouting LEGO at you. I can live with that.

I've ordered enough pieces (by my estimation and doodles) to make a small buggy for reference purposes. Something I can hold up at any angle and have a good idea of shapes and dimensions. And I've also got pieces for a flying vehicle for the same reasons.

All LEGO needs to do now is give us LEGO feral hogs. And some sort of scope for their rifles.

One can but dream.
