Sunday, May 13, 2012

[Project:ThreeSixFive] Day [CXXXI - CXXXIII].

I'm updating from the airport in Canada!  The wonder and helpfulness and time-eating nature of technology!

Here's a highlight of what's been going on over the past few days - in some semblance of order:

This is the view of leaving a storm behind.

And the view of the road ahead as my wifey and I went on her Prom Re-do.  It was amazing.

Here are a few of the guys that we chilled out with on our second-to-last night in Fort Smith.

Here's the whole gang!  We had a really nice time bowling and chatting and frozen yoghurting.

Then we went fishing the day after.  We didn't catch any fish, but my wifey saw all of these butterflies chilling out together!

And I found this MUSK TURTLE eating a dead catfish.  I stopped caring that I hadn't caught anything once I found this guy.  Also see but not caught; two skinks and a snake.


A sofa full of goodies awaited our arrival.  Melissa and I have good, good friends!

The local park was flooded which made for some great picture opportunities.  This was one of them.  I'm sure I'll use it as a cover photo on Facebook sometime.

Of course there's a macro!  A bee on the floor in Cincinnati.

Noo Yoik.  This was earlier today!  Crossing the State line.

There's Canada!

And Niagara Falls.  Absolutely beautiful!

The other, more overlooked side of the Fall  :(  Just as lovely, not as photographed.

A few hundred feet up from where the water actually falls.  There are some incredibly beautiful spots.

And my wifey dipping her feet in the Falls!  I put my hand in at one point.  Lovely.

Well.  That's a quick update.  I need to use the loo before we fly, so I'm going to do that right now.

I'll post again when we're home!  I can't wait!


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